Intentions, rewriting the idea of new year’s resolutions


Every year we do it. Say all the goals we want to achieve in the New Year. And every year around February or March we lose sight of list of goals we created. It’s time to bring some life into the ideas and goals and dreams you want to achieve.

Every year, I sit down and plan out my year. Set my intentions. Post them on a blog or some other social media outlet. Sharing with the universe all that I want to achieve and grow.

I set my intentions. And then I start to map them out. I don’t just decree them. I put action to them. Little baby steps, little steps I can take to achieve them. And going back and revising and editing. Do I need more steps, change something. It’s all fluid. I am moving with my dreams and goals. And I celebrate. Each step reached I acknowledge and celebrate that I am closer to my dreams. And even the set backs. I regroup. I reflect. What caused the setback? What can I learn? What can I do differently?

And so, in 2017:

  1. To dedicate myself, time and energy to my writing craft. To honor it. To embrace it. To tend to it. And perhaps finally publish something else, wither a web article or a book. I am open to how my writing wants to be shared with the world.- Action steps:
    1. Blog weekly.
    2. Write weekly. I don’t have to share it. I just have to make time to write.
  2. To grow my business. To reach and help more people. To help people heal. To hear and honor their stories. To travel with them to the depths of their soul, that they may transform.
    1. Teaching in person classes weekly.
    2. Creating on line options for people.
      1. Brainstorm.
      2. Create content.
      3. Design
      4. Post
  3. Spend time with family, nature and friends. Be in the moment.
  4. Take pictures!
  5. Honor fun and hobbies. Make time to do things I love.
    1. Research what I want to learn this year.
      1. Take a dance class.
      2. Take a painting class.
    2. Invest in learning.
  6. To incorporate the concepts of Wabi Sabi, Hygge, and my roots.
    1. Wabi Sabi is the Japanese art of finding the beauty in the unfinished, the decaying and imperfection in life, self and everywhere.
    2. Hygge is the Danish art of coziness and comfort to create a sense of happiness and well-being.
    3. Discovering, applying the traditions from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England and Scandinavia.To have faith. In myself, others. Honoring my ancestors.
  7. To truly embrace my empath gift.  To feel what others don’t to cry, to laugh. To feel it all with joy and pride.
  8. To have faith. In myself, others. Something bigger than me. The process. Life. The universe. Believe in and create magic!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Beautiful intentions. Thank you for sharng and inspiring!

    1. Thank you for reading:)

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